Friday, February 27, 2009
Top 100 Theology Blogs
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Reasons I Stopped Attending Sports Events
~ Every time I went, they asked me for money.
~ The people with whom I had to sit by didn't seem very friendly.
~ The seats were too hard and not comfortable at all.
~ The coach never came to call on me.
~ The referee made a decision with which I could not agree.
~ I was sitting with some hypocrites -- they came only to see what others were wearing.
~ Some games went into overtime, and I was late getting home.
~ The band played some numbers that I had never heard before.
~ The games are scheduled when I want to do other things.
~ My parents took me to too many games when I was growing up.
~ Since I read a book on sports, I feel that I know more than the coaches anyhow.
~ I don't want to take my children, because I want them to choose for themselves what sport they like best.
Barna Survey on Spiritual Gifts
For Catholics, a Door to Absolution Is Reopened
"The announcement in church bulletins and on Web sites has been greeted with enthusiasm by some and wariness by others. But mainly, it has gone over the heads of a vast generation of Roman Catholics who have no idea what it means: 'Bishop Announces Plenary Indulgences.' In recent months, dioceses around the world have been offering Catholics a spiritual benefit that fell out of favor decades ago — the indulgence, a sort of amnesty from punishment in the afterlife — and reminding them of the church’s clout in mitigating the wages of sin."
Darwin on a Godless Creation: "It's Like Confessing to a Murder"
New Research Explores How Technology Drives Generation Gap
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online
Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia
"In 2006, Alice and Moshe Shalvi of Shalvi Publishing Ltd. released Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia on CD-ROM, edited by Professors Paula Hyman of Yale and Dalia Ofer of Hebrew University in Jerusalem and sponsored by the Jewish Women's Archive. On March 1, 2009, in honor of Women's History Month, the Jewish Women's Archive brings the Encyclopedia online. Free. Updatable. Available anywhere in the world where there is Internet access."
A Global Guide to Islamic Art
Kibbutz: What, Why, When, Where
Long Hair Humor
his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss the use
of the car. His father took him to his study and said to him,
"I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study
your Bible a little and get your hair cut and we'll talk
about it."
After about a month the boy came back and again
asked his father if they could discuss use of the car. They
again went to the father's study where his father said,
"Son, I've been real proud of you. You have brought your
grades up, you've studied your Bible diligently, but you
didn't get your hair cut!"
The young man waited a moment and replied, "You know Dad,
I've been thinking about that. You know, Samson had long hair,
Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair,and even Jesus had
long hair...." To which hisfather replied, "Yes, and they walked
every where they went!"
Study: Religious Teens More Likely to Abstain from Sex
Survey: Most Americans Believe Many Paths to Heave
Survey: Christian Churches becoming More Diverse
Barna Research: Christianity Is No Longer Americans’ Default Faith
Barna Survey: Americans and Wicca
Gallup: Americans See Religious Influence Waning
Research: Religious Belief and Piety Promote Self-Control
College Students More Spiritual, But Not in Church
Patterns: Better Health for Religiously Observant
The Spiritual Life of College Students
and early fall 2004 from more than 112,000 students attending a national sample of 236 colleges and universities. Students responded to a six-page survey that queried their backgrounds, educational and occupational aspirations, and values and beliefs with respect to spiritual and religious matters. The study reveals that today’s college students have very high levels of spiritual interest and involvement. Many are actively engaged in a spiritual quest and in
exploring the meaning and purpose of life. They are also very engaged and involved in religion, reporting considerable commitment to their religious beliefs and practices."